Sunday, July 8, 2012

Suck your Own

My twin boys are taking summer school to supposedly help ensure they don't fall further behind in their learning over the L O N G summer break. The other day, we were in the car and this is what I over heard... 

Twin A:  I don't know if I believe him...  Do you really think he can suck his own? 
Twin B:  I think so.  Bobby is about to start 6th grade - I bet he can.
Twin A:  I still don't know if it is possible to do it without help.  It IS really big after all.

[At this point, they have been going on about this for a while, and I AM seriously wondering what in the devil they are teaching my children in summer school completely baffled about what they could possibly be talking about.  But I let it continue.]

Twin B:  It IS really big.  I bet I could do it, if I tried really hard - but maybe it would take a couple of days...

[Now, I am honestly wondering if I ask the question I am just dying to ask, will I get an answer I never wanted to hear in the first place???]

Twin A:  Let's tell mom we both want to suck our own and see if she thinks we can...

[I am fit to burst right now.  I am not prepared for the answer, but here I go anyway.]

Momma:  What *ARE* you two talking about??

Do you know what they were talking about?


Apparently, Bobby got a big lollipop and got to eat the whole thing all by himself.  

Does anyone know where I can get some of these?  I'd like to suck my own and give my husband and kids a chance to do the same!


  1. Replies
    1. Just wait, Crista! Soon enough, you too will have stories just like these!
