Friday, July 13, 2012

Cunning Linguist ... Honey Bitch

The second in our linguistical series of the trials and tribulations of Toddler Talk, brings us to a story from not too long ago.  Let me tell you more about  


Early one morning, (mind you, "early" in my two year old's world is between 9 and 11am), I had suggested that we go downstairs and have some breakfast.  Usually, he signs "cereal" and happily heads downstairs.  

But not that morning.  I was not sure what he said, but it sounded an awful lot like "Honey Bitch".  So, since he didn't seem to be all that interested in breakfast, we hung out a bit longer upstairs.  

He kept saying something...  and it still sounded like "honey bitch".  Maybe it was "Homey beach"?  "Horny pitch?"  Each as unlikely as the last.  What was that child saying?  

Finally, he signs cereal and we head downstairs.  The "Honey Bitch"  is getting clearer  and I can tell he definitely has something specific he wants.  So, I ask him to show me what he wants.  He takes me to the counter where the fruit bowl is...
A Peach!  Mystery #1 Solved!

And then to the pantry where he points to....
Of Course!
The little man wanted Honey Nut Cheerios with Peaches!

Thanks for the great breakfast idea, Doodles!  I don't know where you got the idea - but it sure was yummy!

And what happened later that day?  Doodles and I went to Wal-Mart to go grocery shopping.  and what did he holler out to everyone we passed?  ...  You guessed it - "Honey Bitch!"

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