Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hookers and Streetwalkers

Thankfully, I kept a calendar where I wrote all kinds of things that were said/happened over the past 9 years.  (Though I will admit that more great stuff is probably on Facebook than actually on the paper calendars that hung on walls).  SO, if we manage to go for 24 or more hours with out something ridiculous said or done, (albeit - not too likely) then I will start pulling out the calendars and looking for great quotes, conversations, stories, anecdotes, etc!  Just remember, I am NOT this creative - I can't/couldn't make this stuff up!

An actual conversation from the back seat of my car on February 23, 2012 (twins were 8.5 years old).   

We were driving on the UNR campus and had to stop for two girls who were jaywalking.

Twin A:  Why are they crossing the street and NOT in a crosswalk?

Twin B:  They are called streetwalkers.

Twin A:  Oh, I thought those were called hookers.

Twin B:  Nope.  A streetwalker gets to cross the street wherever they want and they can even walk in the street instead of on the sidewalk. A hooker is a silly or crazy person who does whatever they want, wherever they want.

I now have no doubt that I am, in fact, "a Hooker".  Thank you, Twinlets, for clarifying that important distinction for me (and probably, for so many others out there too!)

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