Friday, July 13, 2012

Cunning Linguist ... /S/ vs /SH/

Our 2 year old, Doodles, is learning to speak and no one has more fun with the fact that he can't quite pronounce ALL the sounds in the English language than his 9 year old twin brothers.

Now, I love linguistics - I even majored in it in college - and I know and understand all about how the mouth works, and how one must use their tongue and lips and teeth [insert teenager giggles here] to make the varying sounds required to form words.  Things I find fascinating - like "velar fronting"  and "fricatives" - a nine year old can twist into hours of fun at the expense of an innocent toddler (who also thinks it is pretty funny.)

Over the last few weeks, they have been delighted silly with the fact that Doodles actually makes an /sh/ sound in lieu of an /s/ sound at the beginning of words.  

So what is the favorite word to make him say?

That's right - SIT.

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