Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Conspiracy Theory

My husband left last night for an out of town for a dance event, leaving behind the three boys and I.  The boys were great last night and all went to bed, as usual, without a fuss.

This morning, Doodles came into my bed for some milk and went back to sleep.  A while later, I heard the big boys making a bunch of noise and, most unfortunately, so did Doodles.  He got up to go play with them and left me sleeping.

A few minutes after I woke up, around NOON, the big boys came in and said they were very sorry to wake me up, but Doodles really needed a diaper change.  They later told me that they already fed him breakfast and tried to keep him entertained so I could sleep in.  

Then they filled me in on their plan for today, which apparently all three of them were in on...

"Me go Chuckee!"

Not only had the boys decided that going to Chuck E. Cheese was in order, but Coolio sorted and counted out the Chuck E. Cheese Tokens.  So I wouldn't have to spend my money to take them there... 
116 Tokens!
And Twin A let me in on another part of their plan...
Pancakes for lunch!
How could I not?  They took care of Doodles in the morning AND let me sleep in!

Pancakes it is!

After lunch, it was time to visit Chuck E.  

Did you know that 116 tokens will last 3 children (two 9 year olds and a 2 year old) 2 hours?  SO thankful to Mark (who works at a coin bank) for arranging to have the tokens given to the boys!

Total cost form our trip to Chuck E Cheese?  $1.93 cents for a drink.  :)

On the way home, we stopped at a park for, even more, a little more fun!

Doodles, Twin A and Coolio at the top of the double twisty slide!

Love these boys of mine!

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